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What is “procurement”?

Public Procurement can be defined as the acquisition, whether under formal contract or not, of works, supplies and services by public bodies.  It ranges from the purchase of routine supplies or services to formal tendering and placing contracts for large infrastructural projects.

It is a basic principle of public procurement that a competitive process should be used unless there are justifiably exceptional circumstances.  At South Dublin County Council we aim to ensure high standards of openness, transparency and compliance with all relevant public procurement Directives, legislation and guidelines in all our procurement. Our Procurement Plan 2021 – 2023, copy below outlines our procurement objectives for the next three year period.

Doing Business with Us

We utilise many of the national contracts put in place by the Office of Government Procurement and other central purchasing bodies.  We also issue requests for tenders and quotations as business needs require in line with all relevant public procurement Directives, legislation and guidelines.

Upcoming tender opportunities are advertised on or on  We also use these websites to seek quotations.  As we are currently in the process of transitioning to requesting all quotations electronically, written quotations may be sought on some occasions.

The Office of Government Procurement (OGP) have prepared short videos providing an overview of the public procurement model and feedback from businesses engaging with the process.  These are available here

South Dublin County Council has committed to incorporating Green Public Procurement in tenders using public funds, and encourages all businesses to include elements of Green Public Procurement into their tender submissions where possible. For further information on Green Public Procurement, please click here to see an informational video prepared by the EPA.

Supplier Register

Sometimes South Dublin County Council procures goods, services, or works by seeking direct invited quotations. These will be contracts for supplies, services, or works that are not included in alternative frameworks / contracts and that are below the national advertising threshold. In these cases, the Council will seek direct quotations from suppliers.

 If you are interested in working with us, please include your company details on the Register for the chance to quote for future projects. 

 Please note that the Register is not a preferred supplier panel, and inclusion of a supplier on the Register does not constitute a commitment or guarantee to seek quotes or procure any products, services or works from the supplier and does not confer any exclusivity on the supplier.

 Companies must be registered on eTenders ( to be invited to quote.

How to Register on eTenders

Registration must be made through the OGP’s eTenders system (

If this is your first time using the platform, there are guidance materials available to help with the registration and tendering process.

You can find a “how to” video on the Registration and Login process under the “Getting Started” headings on the Guidance Videos page; ( ).

There is also written guidance available on the Short User Guides page;

( )

Please note that in order to respond to a tender on the platform, you will need a Supplier account. When registering, please click the button on the Homepage that reads ‘Register a Supplier’.


If you require assistance in registering, please contact the eTenders helpdesk as follows at or+353 818001459

How to Register on Supply Gov

Go to the ‘register as new supplier’ button on the homepage and follow the instructions. For further information on using the system please refer to the ‘Suppliers Guide - Supplygov’ below.

SupplyGov is a procurement system which facilitates the Local Authorities and other state agencies to run mini-tenders (from frameworks that have already been advertised on eTenders) and requests for quotations. It primarily deals with categories relating to Plant Hire; Minor Building & Civil Works and related training.  All new Frameworks are published as a contract notice on eTenders, so it is vital that you are registered on eTenders if you want notification of relevant frameworks relating to Plant Hire; Minor Building & Civil Works and related training. You cannot join an existing framework until the framework is re-advertised.

If you need assistance in registering please contact the helpdesk at or 066 718 3734.

Training for Tenderers

 South Dublin’s Local Enterprise Office have set up a new webpage where they are collating training opportunities for suppliers on tendering.  This is available at Tendering Programme - Local Enterprise Office - SouthDublin.

Contacting Us

Phone: 01 414 9320

Other useful links

The Office of Government Procurement

Phone: 01 773 8000

The Local Enterprise Office

Phone: 01 414 9000

InterTrade Ireland

Phone: 048 3083 4100