There are over 100 Primary Schools registered in South County Dublin. The Road Safety Officer (RSO) visits schools on a rolling basis to deliver road safety education and awareness programmes, tailored for the age group of these schools.
The following programmes are delivered at this level:
- School goers guide to road safety
This programme has been developed by the RSO and deals with students traveling to school by bus, car, bicycle or walking. It focuses on pedestrian safety, cycle safety, safe crossings, seatbelts and the Safe Cross code. There is also information for parents & guardians. This programme is delivered in English or Irish depending on the school. - Be Safe - Delivered up to 6th Class
This RSA based programme is delivered to up to 6th class students. - Seatbelt Sherriff – Delivered to 1st Class
Students take a pledge to always wear their seatbelt and ensure that everyone else wears theirs. - Hi-Glo Silver – Delivered to 2nd Class
Hi-Glo helps ‘Seatbelt Sheriff’ and his message is about Visibility. - WOW Days – Walk on Wednesdays!
- Cycle Safety Skills currently being delivered to 16 Kildare schools.
- Park & Stride – Parents/Guardians with school children
- Junior School Warden Scheme
There are currently three schools taking part in this scheme. The RSO and Community Garda trained the new wardens in these four schools in June and September 2011. Competitions are held at the end of school term and certificates and plaques are presented to the wardens.