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The Building Control Regulations

The Building Control Regulations 

The Building Control Regulations are a set of mandatory procedures that, if followed correctly, will support compliance with the technical Building Regulations.  Before work can begin on site on certain, specified construction projects, a Fire Safety Certificate and/or Disability Access Certificate is required to be granted by the Building Control Authority.  While not required before commencement of works, a Disability Access Certificate is required to be granted by the Building Control Authority before certain specified construction projects may be opened, occupied or used.  In addition, except in the case of certain, specified types of development, notice of intention to commence work on site, known as a Commencement Notice, must be submitted between 14 and 28 days in advance.

The Building Control Regulations can be found on - Building Control (

The Law Reform Commission maintain an unofficial and consolidated version of the Building Control Regulations which includes all revisions and can be found at Law Reform Commission