Tymon Park
Tymon Park is a valuable resource for the local communities and the surrounding hinterland. It provides opportunities for a wide range of outdoor active and passive recreational activities for all age groups including walking, jogging and participation in active sport, principally field sports. It is a popular venue for many public events such as tournaments, band recitals, film/television shoots, family festivals in the summer, cross country races and circus performances.
Formally opened in 1986, Tymon Park as a regional park is greatly enjoyed by many both locally and beyond. The river Poddle flows through its many lakes and ponds. There are four playgrounds, two of which are located at the Willington entrance. One is a traditional playground catering for younger children. The other is a woodland adventure play area. A smaller neighbourhood sized playground was opened by the Limekiln entrance in 2019. Tymon north has a large natural playground accommodating play for all ages, allowing children to be in contact with nature. A fairy trial located in the hardwood forest at Tymon north. There are 32 pitches, a Calisthenics and functional workout area designed at an international competition standard. Along with ready to use exercise equipment in various locations around the park.
There is also a dog park located here with accessibility for all visitors. Designated dog park area’s such as this one, allows your dog to play with other dogs in a safe environment. Going to a dog park
fosters a more active and social environment for both humans and dogs alike. The positive influence of dog parks in the local community is undeniable.
Tymon Park Forest is designed to produce a rich and diverse woodland landscape for a total of 125 different species. It includes four stands of predominantly mature beech with the greater proportion of the woodlands consist of randomly grouped and intimate mixtures of predominantly broadleaf species including beech, poplar, ash, chestnut, willow, maples, sycamore and birch. Alder, hazel, and hawthorn predominate as woodland margins. The has a number of woodland trails which include the provision of way-markers and signs to guide the visitor along woodland trails with an on-site interpretation of woodland features where appropriate. Tymon Park is fortunate to have a supply of water from the River Poddle. The park features two lakes with interconnecting water features. The environment around the lakes is enhanced by a comprehensive system of pedestrian paths and bridges and substantial tree and shrub planting making it the recreational focal point in the Park. All the water features provide valuable habitat for up to 92 species of flora and fauna and a breeding ground for the popular water-fowl. Although large areas of the park are occupied by playing pitches there is still a diverse range of habitats that can be grouped under the categories of woodland, waterside, hedgerow, grassland and wasteland. With five recorded species being protected under the Republic of Ireland 1976 Wildlife Act
Intergenerational Centre at Tymon Park, Wellington Lane
Work is now planned to commence on the Intergenerational Centre at Tymon Park in September 2023. This single storey Intergenerational Centre development, of internal floor area of 157m2, will be situated in Tymon Park, facing onto the Wellington Lane car park. It will consist of:
- A Multi-functional Community Space
- Cafe
- Associated Kitchen, WCs, Storage and Services.
- Terrace for outdoor seating overlooking the park and storage and services area to rear and associated railings and fencing.
- Replacement of 4 no. car parking spaces with entrance forecourt and cycle parking to facilitate pedestrians and cyclists. The existing number of 4 no. designated parking spaces will be maintained.
- All associated works and services.
- Installation of CCTV for security.
- Alteration works to existing stone wall between car park and park to provide enlarged pedestrian entrance and relocated maintenance entrance to the south.
- Removal of temporary toilet block, replaced by facilities within the proposed development, to accommodate relocated maintenance entrance.
- All associated furniture and fittings.
- All associated landscape, planting and surface renewal works.
- All ancillary works.
Please note that construction work on the proposed Intergenerational Centre, Tymon Park, Wellington Lane, Templeogue Dublin 6W, will increase in pace 12/12/2023.
During the construction period the contractor will occupy a portion of the car park with a works compound, reducing the number of available car parking spaces. The site will be hoarded off. Signs will be placed in the car park notifying park users, and the local school (St. Mac Dara’s Community College) has been contacted regarding the upcoming works. Access to the bring banks will be maintained.
South Dublin County Council apologises for any inconvenience to the public that may arise during the construction period of this new facility.”
Opening Hours
November, December and January 10.00am - 5.00pm,
February and March 10.00am - 6.00pm,
April and October 10.00am - 7.00pm,
May and September 10.00am - 8.00pm,
June, July and August 10.00am - 9.00pm