Online Planning
Online Planning
National Online Planning Portal
South Dublin County Council is now accepting planning applications through the National Online Planning Portal (Local Government Ireland Planning System). This system provides applicants and agents with an option to submit their planning applications to the Planning Authority in electronic format if they wish to do so.
Agents and applicants can register on the system to create an account, submit documents online with the planning application and submit further documentation at a later stage if necessary. It is also possible for users to view previously submitted applications on their own dashboard on the system.
For more information about how to use the system, you can view the video Here
Implementation of the new E-Planning system is an integral step in South Dublin County Council’s digitisation of the planning process and is one further step the Council is taking to move towards a more efficient and customer focused planning service. It follows on from the introduction of the Citizen Portal, which has given members of the public the option to submit observations and associated payment on all relevant planning applications online, and the Pre-Planning Online Application System, which gives the option to request a Pre-Planning consultation through an online system.
Planning Portal
South Dublin County Council’s Citizen’s Portal aims to modernise the viewing of planning applications and processing and administration of third party submissions. This Portal gives members of the public the option to submit observations and associated payment on all relevant planning applications online. Observations can be made within 5 weeks of a Planning Application being received by the Planning Authority on this system.
You can access the Citizen’s portal at this link: Planning Portal (agileapplications.ie)
Pre-Planning Application Online System
Applicants and agents can now apply for a pre-planning consultations using our new online pre-planning application system at this link: Citizen Portal Preapps (agileapplications.ie)
Applications must include the following documentation:
- The Pre-Planning Consultation Form
- Please note that there is a separate pre-planning application form for large-scale residential developments (Form 18) which details the required information to be submitted.
- A site location map which can be found at Ordnance Survey Ireland. The scale required is 1:1000 for Urban Areas and 1:2500 for Rural Areas.
- Drawings of the proposed development (Site layout, elevation drawings etc)
If using our on-line Pre-Planning System please ensure that all documents submitted are in an appropriate format such as PDF, each file is under 20MBs in size and file names are less than 60 characters in total. Please do not submit interactive documents.