

South Dublin County Council Supporting Balgaddy Community Resilience Project

09 Mar 21

South Dublin County Council Council is supporting a community resilience project for the Balgaddy area.  This project aims to improve community safety and quality of life for residents in the area by responding to and addressing criminal and anti-social behaviour.

This involves an innovative partnership model between the local community, An Garda Síochána, the Council and other relevant statutory agencies and is supported by the Housing Strategic Policy Commit-tee, the Local Policing Forum and the Joint Policing Committee (JCP).

Training is currently being provided by Community Action Network (CAN) for several local residents to undertake a local ‘Community Crime Assessment’ in the area.  This community-led mechanism will identify the impact of issues relating to anti-social behaviour and criminal activity in the area leading to a problem-solving approach to tackle such issues with the effectiveness of the responses monitored through repeat assessments over time.

Community Action Network has been engaged to lead on the project and are responsible for delivering the training while our estate management team have discussed the aims of the project with local residents to identify and map anti-social issues and complaints.