

City Edge International Conference Takes Place This Week!

28 Sep 21

The City Edge International Conference will provide a unique opportunity to discuss and learn about best practice approaches to designing and delivering large scale regeneration projects. Hosted by Newstalk’s Shane Coleman there will be a range of national and international speakers from Dublin, London, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Singapore and Rotterdam discussing their experiences and lessons from similar initiatives to the City Edge Project.

You can check in to the Live Events page to watch along at the times given below.

The International Conference will take place over two mornings:

City Edge International Conference

Wednesday 29th September 2021: 9am–11am (Delivering Regeneration on complex Brownfield land)

This panel discussion will revolve around the complexities of delivering regeneration across large brownfield areas. Panel members will discuss their role and experiences in similar projects in the past or currently, the challenges faced and how issues have been addressed in relation to multiple landowners, viability issues, big infrastructure requirements, political support, state investment and backing and other topics.

Thursday 30th September 2021: 9am–11am (Placemaking)

This panel discussion will revolve around the challenges and opportunities of creating successful and liveable communities across large brownfield areas. Panel members will discuss how new development can successfully address the challenges we face relating to climate change, affordable housing, timely delivery of social and amenity spaces and integrating existing uses and communities.

City Edge Presentation with Q & A Session

The City Edge Presentation will provide an opportunity to get a further understanding and detail of the City Edge Project from the project team in South Dublin County Council and Dublin City Council and also from the international consultants working on the project. These two events will also provide the opportunity to pose some questions about the project including on the emerging objectives, vision and concept scenario. The presentations will be given on the following dates and times:

Thursday 30th September 2021: 7pm–8:15pm