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Teen Write Club

Do you love telling stories, inventing characters, devising plots? Looking for inspiration for your imagination? Or motivation to pour your imagination onto the page?

Come along to our new Ballyroan Library Teen Write Club where you’ll meet other writers and aspiring writers. Whether you have already started to write that story, poem or screenplay or simply have an ambition to get started with creative writing - this is the club for you. Meeting every second week, our Write Club will provide a space for you to practice free-writing with a host of resources available to spark your creativity.

The Club will also be an opportunity for you to share your ideas and your drafts with others for encouragement or feedback. You will be challenged to set a goal for your writing and the Write Club will help you get there!

Let the Writing Begin! Book here Teen Write Club Tickets, Tue 7 May 2024 at 17:00 | Eventbrite