Litter Management Plan 2020 - 2022
The plan proposes to address the negative impacts of litter on our county, improve the quality of life and sense of wellbeing of our residents, and enhance our commercial and tourism potential through effective and efficient:
- Enforcement of legislation and regulation
- Management and maintenance of our public realm
- Communication, education and awareness.
The objectives of this plan shall have regard to the mission statement and objectives of the Corporate Plan 2020—2024, to make our county a vibrant and inclusive place for the people who live, visit, work, and do business here, now and for the future. The plan shall also have regard to the proper planning and development of the county and the provisions of the County Development Plan. The Litter Management Plan 2020—2022 will be closely linked to the Climate Change Action Plan 2019— 2024, specifically the Resource Management Action Area where 20 of the 27 actions will be supported by actions in the Litter Management Plan.
On the recommendation of the Environment, Public Realm and Climate Change Strategic Policy Committee, the proposed revised Draft Litter Management Plan 2020—2022 drafted in accordance with the Litter Pollution Act 1997 as amended, was approved by the Elected Members of South Dublin County Council at their meeting held on the 9th March 2020.
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