Popular Library Events
Popular Library Events
RLBF 2020: Experimental Writing with Christodoulos Makris, Kimberly Campanello & Alice Lyons
Gregory Betts will be hosting this fascinating discussion of where experimental writing is today, and where it will go next.
RLBF 2020: Creative Writing Clinics with Writer-in-Residence Keith Payne
Our Writer in Residence Keith Payne is offering 8 Creative Writing Clinics as part of this year’s Red Line Book Festival.
RLBF 2020: Galway Stories with Patrick McCabe, Elaine Feeney & Danny Denton
A special event marking Galway2020 and the anthology Galway Stories, this talk is hosted by co-editor Alan McMonagle, and features Patrick McCabe, Elaine Feeney and Danny Denton discussing stories from this exciting and diverse collection.
RLBF 2020: Red Line Poetry Competition & TU Dublin Short Story Competition Awards
This year we will be having a joint awards evening where the winners will be revealed. Joining us on the evening will be the judge of the 2020 poetry competition, Peter Sirr.
RLBF 2020: The Happy Writer Workshop with Anne Tannam
Back due to popular demand, this coach-led workshop focuses on seven key factors: why we write, valuing our work, building resilience, keeping motivated, designing tailored writing schedules, staying accountable, and finding the right support.
RLBF 2020: Fall, Leaves, Fall: Autumn Themed Creative Writing Workshop for Schools
Join award-winning children’s writer and creative writing teacher, Sarah Webb for an autumn-themed workshop, inspired by Emily Bronte’s Fall, Leaves, Fall and Robert Frost’s Nothing Gold Can Stay,
RLBF 2020: Rob Doyle in conversation with Nicole Flattery
Celebrated international author Rob Doyle will read from his latest novel Threshold
RLBF 2020: Why The Moon Travels: Oein DeBharduin with Deirdre Sullivan
Why the moon travels is a haunting collection of twenty tales rooted in the oral tradition of the Irish Traveller community.
RLBF 2020: Unshelved: Poetry Reading with Linda McKenna, Seán Hewitt & Kerry Hardie
A special poetry reading from three distinct Irish poets where we highlight their new collections published during, or postponed due to, the pandemic. The readings will be followed by a panel discussion chaired by poet Jessica Traynor.
RLBF 2020: Box Hill: Adam Mars-Jones in conversation Seán Hewitt
Mars-Jones will be in conversation with poet and Irish Times book critic, Seán Hewitt.