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2020 Amendment to Adamstown SDZ 2014

2020 Amendment to Adamstown SDZ 2014

2020 Amendment to Adamstown Strategic Development Zone Planning Scheme (2014)

Changes as a result of the Amendment:

The Amendment results in the following changes to the SDZ Planning Scheme:

  • An increase in unit numbers, density and residential floor area within the Adamstown Station development area
  • An increase in unit numbers, density and residential floor area and a location-specific increase in building height within the Aderrig development area
  • Relocation of a proposed enterprise centre from the Tobermaclugg Village/Tandy’s Lane Village local centre to the Adamstown Station district centre
  • Other minor amendments including updated references to and summaries of national and regional policy and guidance and updating of other references within the planning scheme document including text, tables and maps.

The tables below set out the changes resulting from the Amendment approved by An Bord Pleánala:

Residential Floor Area, Density and Unit Numbers as Provided for in SDZ Planning Scheme 2014 and as Amended
ExistingAs Amended
Min-max total residential development (sqm)49,000 - 58,50049,000 - 97,500
Min-max dwellings per hectare (density)75 - 9075 - 150
Min-max total dwelling units490 - 585490 - 975

Table 2: ADERRIG
Residential Floor Area, Density and Unit Numbers as Provided for in SDZ Planning Scheme 2014 and as Amended
ADERRIGExistingAs Amended
Min-max total residential development (sqm)97,125 - 121,27597,125 - 130,830
Min-max dwellings per hectare (density)52 - 6552 - 70
Min-max total dwelling units925 - 1155925 - 1,246

Table 3: ADERRIG
Building Heights as per SDZ Planning Scheme 2014 and as Amended
Building TypeHeights in SDZ Planning Scheme 2014Heights as Amended (adjoining Central Boulevard Park only)
Courtyard Building2-3 storeys with up to 4 storeys at corner/feature building3 to 5 storeys (i.e. 1 storey increase)
Perimeter Building3-5 storeys3 + 1 setback – 5 + 1 setback (i.e. 1 storey increase)
Landmark BuildingUp to 7 storeysUp to 7 storeys (No change)

Reason for the Amendment:

The reason for the Amendment is to align the Adamstown SDZ Planning Scheme 2014 with recent national and regional planning policy and guidance including:

  • The National Planning Framework, 2018 (NPF)
  • The Eastern and Midland Regional Assembly’s Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy, 2019 (RSES)
  • The Sustainable Urban Housing: Design Standards for New Apartments, Guidelines for Planning Authorities, 2018 (the ‘Apartments Guidelines’) and
  • The UrbanDevelopment and Building Heights: Guidelines for Planning Authorities, 2018 (the ‘Building Heights Guidelines’).

Together, these documents promote compact growth focussed on urban centres and public transport links. 

Why the Amendment was deemed by An Bord Pleanála to be Non-Material:

An Bord Pleanála considered the Amendment to be non-material (not significant) as it met certain tests set out in legislation (section 170A 3(b) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended)) including that the amendment would not: -

  • Constitute a change in the overall objectives of the planning scheme
  • Would not relate to already developed land
  • Would not significantly increase or decrease the overall floor area or density of proposed development
  • Would not adversely affect or diminish the amenity of the area.

The Board considered that the Amendment would comply with the above criteria and ‘would not be of such a nature as to affect the overall nature of the scheme or require a more fundamental review procedure to be followed’ and that the proposed amendments ‘would not be material, given the limited potential to impact on the overall scheme objectives or the character of the overall Adamstown area’.

Environmental Screening Reports (AA and SEA):

As part of the amendment application process, screening for Appropriate Assessment (AA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) was carried out. The screening carried out for AA found that the Amendment is unlikely to result in any significant effect on any European Sites, while the SEA screening found that no significant environmental effects are identified for the Amendment and that full Strategic Environmental Assessment is not required. The An Bord Pleanála Order states that ‘The Board adopted the screening assessment carried out by the inspector in relation to the requirement for Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Appropriate Assessment (AA). The Board agreed with the conclusion that the need for SEA or AA does not arise owing to the limited nature of the proposed amendments and the scope of the original SEA and AA procedures already completed for the adopted scheme’.

Building Heights Review:

An associated Building Heights Review was carried out (as required under Specific Planning Policy Requirement 3(B) of the Building Heights Guidelines) and this was submitted to An Bord Pleanála as a supporting document to the Amendment submission. The Building Heights Review found that the SDZ Planning Scheme is compliant with the Building Heights Guidelines but recommended a one-storey height increase within a confined part of the Aderrig development area in order to improve legibility and to create a stronger urban edge addressing Central Boulevard Park, a key urban public open space within Adamstown. This location-specific one storey increase in building height was approved by An Bord Pleanála as part of the overall approval of the Amendment.


See below links to all documents relevant to the 2020 Amendment to the Adamstown Strategic Development Zone Planning Scheme.