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Rialáil Brústocaireachta

Transparency Code

The legal definition included in the Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015 categorises lobbying activity on the basis of communication between certain persons and Designated Public Officials. In light of the nature and frequency of communications between public officials and non-public servants in that type of forum, it would in practical terms be quite challenging to seek to capture and include those interactions in the proposed Register.

The Act provides for an exception from the requirement to register in such cases once specified transparency criteria apply. The particular exception in the Act is for communications between members of certain types of such working groups, task forces, committees, etc. where the group in question complies with this Transparency Code.

All working groups, such as Strategic Policy Committees, operating under South Dublin County Council will be listed on the website, and state that they adhere to the Transparency Code. This page contains a link to the Register of Lobbying.

South Dublin County Council has adopted a Strategic Policy Committee Scheme. The Chairs of each committee have been appointed, and the provisions of the Act will be brought to their attention at the inaugural meetings in November. 

Additional information in relation to the membership of the above committees as well as the agendas and minutes are available on the attached links.

Membership of Strategic Policy Committees

SPC Agendas and Minutes

Rialáil Brústocaireachta