Palmerstown Village
Palmerstown Village
Palmerstown being one of the 9 traditional villages of South Dublin County Council was identified for the council’s Active Travel. The works involved in this contract were intended to improve Palmerstown Village and increase a modal shift at the community level.
Construction works commenced on 25th February 2015 and was completed on the 10th of June 2015.
The improved works for this scheme included;
North of Footbridge
- New concrete footpath in existing grass area to improve pedestrian permeability
- New tree pit to improve landscape features
Kennelsfort Road Lower
- Replacement of concrete footpath with paving slabs
- Drainage was provided to prevent local flooding issues by increasing the capacity of the network
- Ducting for public lighting
- New tree pits
Outside Clarkville’s Florist’s
- Replacement of concrete footpath with paving slabs
- New tree pits
Outside Bank at Lucan Road / Mill Lane junction
- Replacement of concrete footpath with paving slabs
- New tree pits
St. Fintan’s Terrace
- New parallel parking spaces and footpath with paving slabs
- Lining for parking spaces
- Drainage
- Ducting for public lighting
Manor Road
- A new plaza with paving slabs and landscape features
- New concrete island
- New car park resurfacing with road lining alignments
- New tree pits
- New public lightning of pathways often used by pedestrians and cyclists to access the village