
Medical Priority Housing

Medical Approval Housing

If you are eligible for social housing, medical approval for housing may be awarded if the following three criteria apply to your household:

  • you or someone in your household has a disability or a medical condition and
  • the current accommodation is not suitable to meet the needs of the person with a disability or medical condition and
  • a change in housing will improve or stabilise the circumstances of the person with a disability or medical condition.

You are required to submit the Medical Application Form below, and all the relevant medical documentation to support your case to the Medical Priority Section.  These documents will be fully assessed by an Independent Medical Referee.  You will be informed of this decision.

You may appeal this decision by writing to the Administrative Officer, Housing Allocations, outlining the reasons for your appeal.

If medical approval is awarded allocations will be made in accordance with the allocation scheme.

If medical approval is awarded on the need of ground floor accommodation or wheelchair access you will no longer have access to Choice Based Letting.

Please note:   South Dublin County Council Medial Priority List is operated on a Time on List Basis.

Email: housingmedical@sdublincoco.ie