What is a County Development Plan

What is a County Development Plan?
The County of South Dublin needs a future vision and plan for its growing communities, places, housing, jobs, sustainable transport and the delivery of services.
The Draft South Dublin County Development Plan 2022-2028 sets out the land use framework to guide future development with a focus on the places we live, the places we work, and how we interact and move between these places while protecting our environment.
The Draft Plan sets out the strategy to co-ordinate and prioritise areas of population growth as South Dublin moves towards an additional 80,000 people and 32,000 new homes by 2040 in line with national targets.
The development and completion of the strategic development zones at Adamstown and Clonburris will provide for a significant part of our growth while the regeneration of lands within Tallaght and the Naas Road area, where high quality public transport already exists, will be equally important in providing for further compact growth within the County.
By planning for great places in which to live through high quality, well designed and well-planned neighbourhoods, we will enhance the quality of life for existing and future populations. The development of such areas will require improved public transport, high quality public realm and green spaces, more housing, jobs, community and educational facilities alongside an unprecedented level of essential infrastructure delivery over the next 20 years.

The Draft Plan supports growth in new jobs and sets objectives for the development of strategic centres for employment. It will aim to change the way people get to work by reducing the need to commute through increased public transport and better walking and cycling facilities, ensuring the right jobs and services are closer to where we live.
All of this must be done in the context of recognising, protecting and enhancing the County’s natural and unique environment, its waterways, biodiversity, rural lands and green spaces. The Draft Plan examines how we create greener ways of living and doing business so that we can improve our resilienceto climate change and the risk from natural and man-made hazards.
The Draft Plan will be one of a number of six-year development plans on the path to achieving the longer-term vision to 2040 as set out in the National Planning Framework. It seeks to connect people to the unique and interesting places within the County, recognise local character, provide housing and improve transport connections with a focus on walking and cycling.
The policies and objectives in the Draft Development Plan will be important to all of us who live, work, visit and do business in South Dublin. We urge you to make your views known so that you can help shape your County.