Resource Management Actions
Energy Efficiency
GHG Reduction
Public Awareness
Waste Management
Targets Impacted
Timeframe: | Ongoing |
Lead Dept(s): | Environment, Water, Climate Change |
Indicators: | Environmental Performance Assessment from EPA |
Timeframe: | Ongoing |
Lead Dept(s): | Environment, Water and Climate Change; Architects |
Indicators: | 10% reduction in waste in Council HQ building by 2021 |
Timeframe: | Ongoing |
Lead Dept(s): | Environment, Water and Climate Change; Architects Department |
Indicators: | % Recycling Rate |
Timeframe: | Ongoing |
Lead Dept(s): | Environment, Water and Climate Change; Public Realm |
Indicators: | # of civic amenity sites that include reuse |
Timeframe: | Ongoing |
Lead Dept(s): | Environment, Water and Climate Change |
Indicators: | # of grants for waste related projects |
Timeframe: | Ongoing |
Lead Dept(s): | Environment, Water and Climate Change |
Indicators: | Campaign developed and implemented, # of people, businesses and schools engaged |
Timeframe: | Ongoing |
Lead Dept(s): | Environment, Water and Climate Change |
Indicators: | # of events held, # of people reached |
Timeframe: | Ongoing |
Lead Dept(s): | Environment, Water and Climate Change |
Indicators: | # of businesses participating |
Timeframe: | Ongoing |
Lead Dept(s): | Environment, Water and Climate Change |
Indicators: | # of businesses participating |
Timeframe: | Ongoing |
Lead Dept(s): | Environment, Water and Climate Change |
Indicators: | Reduction on non-recyclable / non-compostable material used at events |
Timeframe: | Ongoing |
Lead Dept(s): | Environment, Water and Climate Change |
Indicators: | # of buildings in SDCC supporting CCC, # of staff using reusable mugs |
Timeframe: | Ongoing |
Lead Dept(s): | Environment, Water and Climate Change |
Indicators: | Trialled solution |
Litter & Recycling in the Public Realm
Targets Impacted
Timeframe: | Ongoing |
Lead Dept(s): | Environment, Water and Climate Change |
Indicators: | # of campaigns implemented |
Timeframe: | Ongoing |
Lead Dept(s): | Environment, Water and Climate Change |
Indicators: | # of programmes implemented |
Timeframe: | Ongoing |
Lead Dept(s): | Environment, Water and Climate Change |
Indicators: | Reduced waste tonnage and increased rates of recycling |
Timeframe: | Ongoing |
Lead Dept(s): | Environment, Water and Climate Change; Public Realm |
Indicators: | Areas of need identified, # of glass banks added |
Timeframe: | Ongoing |
Lead Dept(s): | Environment, Water and Climate Change |
Indicators: | # of residents' associations participating |
Timeframe: | Ongoing |
Lead Dept(s): | Environment, Water and Climate Change |
Indicators: | # of initiatives supported annually |
Landfill Management
Targets Impacted
Timeframe: | In Progress |
Lead Dept(s): | Environment, Water and Climate Change |
Indicators: | Zero GHG emissions by 2030 |
Water Conservation
Targets Impacted
Timeframe: | Ongoing |
Lead Dept(s): | Environment, Water and Climate Change; Architects Department |
Indicators: | % reduction in water consumed |
Timeframe: | Completed |
Lead Dept(s): | Environment, Water and Climate Change; Public Realm |
Indicators: | Sites identified |
Timeframe: | Ongoing |
Lead Dept(s): | Environment, Water and Climate Change |
Indicators: | # of projects delivered |