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Heatworks launch

Active Travel

The Central Statistics Office National Travel Survey 2019 found that 29% of car journeys are under 2km. As the population of South Dublin grows, emissions from transport will also grow.

In urban areas like South Dublin, Active Travel offers real alternatives to driving. A number of actions in our Climate Change Action Plan will deliver safer cycle lanes and walking routes making them a realistic and integral part of how people move around the county.

Cycle South Dublin is an ambitious programme of work that reflects the increasing importance of making cycling a leading means of how people move around the County. It proposes a set of 45 routes (65 projects) that would deliver over 260KM of new and improved cycle lanes over the next ten years.

The new routes will be safe, well-connected and designed for people of all ages and abilities.

SDCC’s vision is for South Dublin to become one of Ireland’s most cycle friendly counties.

An image of the Dodder Greenway Bridge at Bushy Park

The projects are broken into four Council led phases and include improvements to the existing network plus new schemes to be progressed in the following timescales: EXISTING (increased cycle safety and maintenance upgrades of existing cycle lanes and streets), NOW (within 2 years), SOON (within 5 years) and LATER (within 8 eight years). There would also be a fifth and separate phase of works to be delivered by the NTA via Bus Connects.

Recently completed projects include:

For more information and latest Active Travel news please visit the SDCC Active Travel website.

The site also contains an interactive map showing current cycle routes, future schemes, and bike parking.