Preparation of the Clondalkin LAP
In March 2023, South Dublin County Council’s Planning Department commenced the early stages of the preparation of the Clondalkin Local Area Plan in response to Objective QDP14 Objective 3 of South Dublin County Development Plan 2022-2028.
Objective, QDP14 Objective 3 seeks:
To prepare a LAP for Clondalkin, the extent of the boundary to be defined, which will be guided by the Local Area Plans Guidelines for Planning Authorities, 2013 (Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government) or any superseding guidelines and which will incorporate:
- A vision for the development of Clondalkin
- Wider urban design principles
- Framework plans for larger infill sites
- A Conservation Plan
- A local Green Infrastructure strategy derived from the County GI Strategy
- Local Transport Plan.
A first round of pre-draft or informal public consultation, in the form of surveys and workshops, took place during March-May 2023. The information gathered during this early period is being used to inform further research, survey work and initial proposals that will guide the growth of Clondalkin. The findings of the pre-draft public consultation can be found here:
Clondalkin Local Area Plan - Report on First Round of Pre-Draft Public Consultation August 2023.pdf (size 14.1 MB)
A second round of pre-draft public consultation in the form of workshops took place on the 7th and 13th March 2024. A survey accompanied the workshops and is open until 28th March 2024.
Once the pre-plan consultation period has been completed, the local area plan will go through a formal statutory process to become a statutory document. Further public consultation will take place at this stage with local residents, public sector agencies, non-governmental agencies, local community groups and commercial and business interests prior to being formally adopted by the Councillors in South Dublin County Council.